Goooooood Morning WEDNESDAY my beauties~! How is everyone feeling??? Our sun has slowly faded, and we’re now dealing with clouds and rain. But we’re used to that, here in the Northwest! And the rain hasn’t “rained” on my spirits – I’m feeling rather “SUNNY” today~!
Today I’m bringing you the complete review of the Broadway ImPress Manicure, as well as part 2 of the “ImPressive Manicure” article that I posted on March 12th! I’m SO excited to bring you this article because I’m now on my second Broadway ImPress Manicure, and have been wearing them steadily for almost a month straight! I’m feeling not only comfortable with putting them on, but I feel like I’ve also picked up a few tricks along the way!
Now, if you haven’t seen these little beauties in stores yet, here’s what they look like. They come packaged in a cute little bottle, easily displaying the color or pattern through the clear bottle. This makes for easy storage, because they will fit right in with your nail polish bottles, and you’ll always be able to see which color or pattern you have on hand~! I absolutely LOVE how they are packaged!
Browse imPress Nails on AmazonAlso, I will let you all know that these aren’t “press on nails”. The PR company explained it as basically a “press-on gel” manicure. And I can definitely see how true that is! These are not rigid, hard, fake nails; they are a flexible gel manicure that move with your own nails.
Here are a few more colors and patterns that are available – in all they have 36 different styles to choose from! So there is absolutely something for everyone – from solid colors, to a french manicure, to some subtle and wild designs!
My First ImPress Manicure – Applied March 9th, Removed March 19th
Here’s what they looked like when I applied them on March 9th, 2012. I used the set called “Working Girl” which is a gorgeous silver crackle over black polish – VERY GLAM~!
This is what they looked like on March 19th before I removed them! I’d worn these beauties for 11 days straight, and NONE had come off!!! They were still perfectly intact, although some of the design had worn off at the edges of some of the nails. Which I’m sure would be easily remedied, by adding a clear top coat to the nails, if you are looking to prolong the manicure. As stated on the bottle, it says it lasts “up to a week”, so the fact that they stayed on my nails for 11 days and were still going strong, is a true testament to the incredible quality of this product! And personally, a little of the silver design being worn off at the ends, didn’t bother me at all, in comparison to a regular manicure; which would have been chipping horribly by the 11th day~!
How Easily Does the imPress Manicure Come off?
Just as the packaging stated, you simply peel them off when you are ready to remove them! Its THAT easy!! Some of the nails that had a stronger seal, I just eased them off slowly and with just a touch of nail polish remover. But the whole process was super easy and incredibly fast~!
How Do Your Natural Nails Fare Under the imPress Manicure?
You are going to be surprised and shocked, as I was after removing these little beauties~! My nails grew incredibly long and stayed strong after wearing these~! I’d honestly not seen my nails THAT long, well, in forever~! They usually will chip and break! So this is just “icing on the cake” (so to speak)~! I was so excited to see that they were long and healthy – it was like the imPress manicure acted as a shield and kept them strong the whole time~! Absolutely amazing~!
My Second ImPress Manicure Applied March 19th, Removed March 27th
This time around I used “Glisten Up”, which is a beautiful, deep purple! As you can see again – they are going strong after 9 days of wear~! I removed this manicure on March 27th because the gel manicure on the middle finger on my right hand popped off. But I learned something new this time around~! Because my last manicure lasted so long, and my nails grew like crazy underneath; when I applied this manicure I didn’t trim my natural nails all that much. And with the first manicure my natural nails were substantially shorter than the gel manicure on top of my nails. Well with the shorter natural nails, I found that there was less lifting and also I never had 1 pop off the first time. So my next time around, I will trim my natural nails so they are shorter than the gel manicure over top. Although I will still point out, that this manicure still lasted a whopping 9 days!!! So that is still AMAZING~!!! Absolutely nothing to complain about here~!
What Did Others Have to Say About My imPress Manicure?
When I was out shopping, or socializing, I would ask random people what they thought of my manicure. And every single person thought I’d gotten my nails professionally manicured at a salon~!!! YAY~!!! I LOVE that I can have “Salon-Looking” nails, that I’ve done in my own home for a FRACTION of the cost~! These truly are revolutionary products and I’m hopelessly HOOKED on these~!!!!! If I had to rate them – I’d give them a 10 out of 10~!!! And I will point out that I wouldn’t have tried them, if not for Kiss Nails PR company sending them to me, and I already had a pre-conceived notion that I wouldn’t like them. BUT – these little beauties surpassed ALL my expectations!!! And I’ve gone from thinking I wouldn’t like them at all – to being IN LOVE with them~!!!
Where Can You Find imPress Manicure? And How Much Do They Cost?
You can find these little beauties at several stores nation-wide~! I’ve personally seen them in Rite Aid, Walgreens, Fred Meyer, WalMart and many more stores! On the Broadway Website you can find different retailers that sell them, along with a manufacturer coupon~! They cost approximately $7.99, and keep in mind they often go on sale and Broadway will periodically release manufacturer coupons! Which is what I like to call “A perfect storm for a BEAUTIFUL DEAL~!”
You can also find these little beauties on Amazon, and the great thing about Amazon is the incredible SELECTION and amazing PRICES~!!! Often stores only carry a select few styles, well not Amazon! You will find SO many different kinds~!!!
Browse imPress Nails on AmazonIf you haven’t tried them before, hopefully this will inspire you to pick up a package and give them a whirl~! If you are still unsure of how they go on, my first article called “An ImPressive Manicure” has a tutorial. Also you can find videos right on the Broadway Nails website, that will actually show you how they go on~!
I honestly can’t express how excited I am about how beautiful these make your nails look, coupled with the fact that they are SO easy to apply and last for SO long~! The unfortunate thing is that I have quite the extensive nail polish stash (read VERY LARGE), and because of the imPress manicure I have no interest in painting my nails!!! All I want to use on my nails now is imPress~!!!! YIKES~!
I have some fun ideas for new and different tutorials using the imPress Manicure, which I’ll be bringing to you in the coming weeks~! So stay tuned for that~!
Until next time my Beauties, you can always keep your nails looking beautiful, and effort-free, while also keeping them looking SALON-MANICURED~! xoxo
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